This article presents the results of an extensive inter-institutionalwork for the conformation of the cultural resource data base of the NahuelHuapi Lake area and areas of influence (Nahuel Huapí National Park and RíoNegro Province, Argentina). In order to contribute to the management of archaeological knowledge, a large amount of information (distributed in variousformats and processing stages) was systematized and standardized. As a result, the georeferenced information of 209 archaeological sites was compiledto date, with their respective management information. The initial analyzesshow some relevant trends in terms of the unequal production of informationbetween the jurisdictions considered, making the protection and managementof heritage difficult. The regional lack of chronological information was alsoobserved for a large part of the sites considered. In order to propose lines ofresearch and conservation, some initial trends regarding human use of spacewere analyzed, highlighting the role of aquatic sectors as central places of human occupation and transit. Finally, this work is part of the initiative for thejoint articulation of management and research spaces.

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