The Spanish language before the school in Easter Island. Aspects of the Rapanui society at the beginning of the XX century from the population census of Easter Island of 1916
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Eastern Island
1916 Census
bilinguals among Rapanui people


This article analyzes the data from the population census conducted in Easter Island by Chilean authorities in 1916. A total of 268 inhabitants were asked about their proficiency level in Spanish language, in addition to employment data among others aspects. Spanish language dominance by the
adult population was important even when the formal school had arrived only two years before on the island. A significant number of salaried employees, especially in the male population was also observed. In addition, the
Spanish language proficiency level tended to be higher in men than in women probably due to wage labor and in some cases due to the military service.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Javier Corvalan, Konturi Atan