Self-management in economic diversity. Cooperatives, clubs and productive workshops in the Marga- Marga province in the Valparaíso region, Chile
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Effective Community
Ecological System


This article presents the results of a comparison between three
types of self-managed organizations which produce goods and services, and their value may or may not be translated into prices and money. It also describes the interactions that these organizations have with the economic actors
and political agents in the province of Marga Marga.
At a conceptual level, the effective community and ecological system categories are used to interpret the data. These were constructed between 2016 and
2017, through a case study methodology. In this exercise we sought to answer the following question: What dimensions of self-management are significant to
understand the trajectory of an organization that produces goods and services? Among the results, it stands out that maintaining the trajectory of a selfmanaged economic organization takes two forms. On one hand, cooperatives and productive workshops participate in agglomerations of small-scale productive and commercial organizations. On the other hand, clubs and art groups grow in homogeneous ecological systems where the municipality plays
an important role.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Nicolás Gómez Núñez, Pilar Rojas Torrejón, María Francisca Benítez Zamudio, Álvaro Sánchez Arellano