Citizen organizations at the local level: perspectives for a new territorial governance in La Araucanía
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Urban development
territorial governance
citizen organizations
citizen participation
territorial planning


This article highlights the importance of non-traditional citizen organizations in urban development processes within the framework of a new territorial governance structure in La Araucanía. It recognizes the emergence of new forms of citizen organization as actors with deliberative potential, involved in the most diverse problems within their communities. The article analyzes new forms of participation that are not currently addressed in existing territorial planning instruments. Likewise, the article sought to address three specific objectives, including: (i) mapping non-traditional citizen organizations in relation to their interests, experiences and/or local demands; (ii) analyzing the organizational and participatory trajectories of the new citizen organizations; and (iii) describing the functioning of current forms of participation promoted by non-traditional citizen organizations and the inclusion of these (forms) in current planning instruments. The study, which employs a qualitative approach, concludes that citizen organizations play a key role in various spaces/territories. Likewise, the current scenario on citizen participation – within the framework of territorial planning instruments – does not respond to the real needs of the affected/intervened communities and territories. This has led to the emergence of two distinct conceptions or perspectives of citizen participation that are not aligned, do not dialogue, also evidencing serious limitations and deficiencies in the process. It is suggested to move towards instances of joint deliberation at the local level that help enrich the debate and legitimize projects in the context of territorial governance in line with current times.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Francisco Méndez Cisterna