Transforming from the territory. Towards a communal public policy of migrations. The study case of La Pintana district, Santiago, Chile
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International migrations
communal public politics


This paper starts describing the main concepts associated to the international immigration phenomenon in Chile today, and then it analyzes/ deepens into the work model that a particular municipality of Santiago, La Pintana, is developing in that area. This text goes through the history behind the local initiatives of the pointed district, which focus on the support of the migrating population, and then explains the specific lines of action that the
municipality is working on, and their respective analysis. From an epistemic approach, fundamentally worried about the work methods, and using a mix research methodology to obtain results; this investigation seeks to find out more
about the strategy that La Pintana is heading for the creation of its first public policy in the matter of international migrations an refugee solicitants.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Juan Pablo Gutiérrez