The chilean neographers and rrazional ortography: A linguistic anarchist proyect
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Chilean neographers
language ideologies
Chilean spelling reform


This research is framed within the political, social and cultural Chilean context on the end of the nineteenth century, where as a result of the process of linguistic standardization started in the middle of the century, a series of debates about language took place which resulted in the Chilean spelling reform. From an ethnorthographic perspective of glotopolitical studies we study the reformist period to analyze the language ideologies proposed by Chilean neographers, a group of intellectuals that defended an orthographic system even more rational, logical and radical than other systems proposed by other
reformer of the time. These anarchists of letters practiced an unofficial phonematic orthography in order to realize a counterhegemonic ideological project that pretended to obtain a linguistic, political and social progress in Chile.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Natalia Valeska Villarroel Torres