Socio-technological transformations at work. Analysis of scientific production in digitalization, automation and robotization of work
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Sociology of work


The processes of digitalization, automation and robotization of work have gained significant relevance in public and political discussion at a global level. The characteristics of this process tend to generate research, problematizations and conceptualizations regarding its historical, cultural, and social scope. One of the primary areas of contention is the relationship between technology and work. In this article we analyze and review some of the main theses regarding socio-technological transformation and its impacts on the world of work. We conducted an analysis of the behavior of the scientific field in work studies based on a bibliometric analysis of the WOS database between 1992 and 2023. The objective was to identify the manner in which scientific communities have investigated changes in this field, as well as the thematic focuses that have developed in the understanding of its complexity and density.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dasten Julián, Felipe Bustos Velazquez