Methodological Challenges in Indigenous Language Acquisition Research: A Methodologi- cal Experience from Mapuzundun
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mapuche childhood
language transmission
indigenous research methodology
research epistemology


The following article aims to present a methodological proposal for studying the phonological development in children aged 18 to 42 months who are acquiring Mapuzungun in two geographical areas with high linguistic vitality, located in the Biobío (VIII) and La Araucanía (IX) regions. This is achieved through the design and implementation of a longitudinal study, making it the first study on phonological acquisition in Mapuzungun. The development of this study, and primarily the implementation of this participatory and situated methodology, results in an ongoing reflection by families on their language and the importance of teaching and transmitting it to their children. This sociolinguistic awareness was observed during dialogues, meetings, and support sessions, and it became particularly evident in families from La Araucanía, as the transmission represents a more significant challenge for them.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Pilar Vivar Vivar, Gabriel Llanquinao, Onésima Lienqueo, Marisol Henríquez