Vol. 34 No. 2 (2024):


Mauricio Figueroa Sepúlveda, Raquel Rebolledo-Rebolledo
Presentación Dossier: "Racismos, ideología del mestizaje y colonialismo. Reflexiones para repensar los procesos de alterización de nuestra América"
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Gisela Carlos Fregoso
For critical studies of mestizaje in Mexico
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Natalia Cárdenas Marín
International migrations in La Araucanía: From geographical borders to social borders
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Jorge Oyarce Salamanca, Katerin Arias Ortega, Segundo Quintriqueo Millán
Epistemological tensions about territory in contexts of colonization: challenges for an intercultural citizenship
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Javier Mercado Guerra, Sebastián Campos Astorga, Patricio Echiburú Díaz, Valentina Martínez Vigorena, Yuliana Torres Casanova
Ethnic nominations, archaism and foreignization: representations of indigenous people from northern Chile in textbooks (1845-1987)
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Leonel Pérez Bustamante, Yabel Arévalo Molina, Bárbara Sáez Orrego, Pablo Fuentes Hernández
Modernization of the civic space in La Araucanía: The republican square at the beginning of the 20th century
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Ingrid Alvarez Osses
Historicizing the nation: epistemological and political decolonization. Frantz Fanon, Ranajit Guha and Mapuche intellectuals
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Eduardo Restrepo
Racialization, Ethnicization, Whiteness: Horizons of Historicity and Localization of Difference/Inequality
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Mauricio Figueroa, Carlos Manuel Peredo Ibarra
Enemies or adversaries? Strategies of nominalization of the indigenous other contained in the peace treaties developed between the Argentine State and the Rankülche people (1865-1874).
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Raquel Rebolledo-Rebolledo, Luz Valoyes-Chávez
Ser mujer negra en la academia chilena. Tensiones y reflexiones
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Dossier 2

Rogelio Altez, Loris de Nardi
Presentación Dossier: "Estudios históricos y sociales sobre el riesgo y la vulnerabilidad. Pasado y presente de problemas transversales".
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Jorge Ayneto Durán
Lima and the earthquake of 1609: Conflicts of interest and vulnerability in the viceregal capital.
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Gonzalo Ramírez Sánchez
Disaster and Disorder: Local Authorities and the Port Royal Earthquake, Jamaica (1692- 1722)
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Loris De Nardi
The Acceptance of Fire Risk in Guayaquil during the 16th-18th Centuries
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Milena Viceconte
Vulnerability and devotion: St Emygdius, a divine protector against Guatemala earthquakes
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Rogelio Altez, Diana Osuna
Trapped in calamity. Disastrous junctures, mass deaths and demographic impact in Caracas: 1750-1830
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María Nazareth Rodríguez Alarcón
The Intermittent Fevers in Morelos: a study of Malaria, Precariousness, and Insalubrity (1880-1917)
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Diego Arango López
Fire in the Latin American City. Contributions for a Historical Approach to Igneous Vulnerability
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Andrea Noria Peña
Analytical approaches to disasters: the Chilean experience from anthropology.
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Macarena Cordero Fernández
Smallpox Risk Management and Public Health Policies in Chile, 18th century
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Research Articles

Isnel Martínez Montenegro, Dayán Gabriel López Rojas
Video surveillance of public space in the framework of the Integral Citizen Security Plan of the Municipality of Temuco. A proposal to evaluate its effectiveness
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Andres Eduardo Fernandez-Osorio, Luisa Fernanda Villalba-Garcia, Misael Tirado-Acero
The Right to Life and Liberty: A Study of Modern Slavery in Venezuela
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Blanca Amo, Francisca Román Mella, Gabriela Garcés, Daniela Palet Correa, Alba Zambrano
Between tradition and the modern project: life projects of Pewenche rural young people
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María José Baeza Rivera, Natalia Salinas-Oñate, Camila Salazar-Fernández, Diego Manríquez Robles, Manuel S. Ortiz
Beliefs about the public and private health care systems in Chile: Similarities and differences
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Aldo Ahumada Infante
Towards the spiritual autonomy of Latin America: barbarian philosophy and psychological colonist in Ramiro Pérez Reinoso (1930-1947).
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Karina Bizama Colihuinca, Paula Alonqueo Boudon
Community participation and learning: experiences of boys and girls from Mapuche families in Chile
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Jaime Castro Martínez, Jesús Correa Grijalba, Karina Bautista Sabogal
Educational and pedagogical quality conditions of children and pregnant mothers in a prison context in Colombia
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Marcelo Estrella Riquelme
Political parties in Alexis de Tocqueville’s ideas
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Manfred Liebel
The New York newsboys’ strike of 1899. Reconstruction of a movement of working children in the USA
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Maria Isabel Toledo Jofre, Gabriel Villalón-Gálvez, Renato Juan Gazmuri Stein, Gabriel Pohl Leal, Fanny del Pilar Acevedo Vásquez
Citizenships promoted in Chilean schools institutional Educational Projects
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Alberto Enrique Pérez
Attributes of thermal alteration in lithic artifacts, on the Meliquina Archaeological Loca- lity, Neuquén, Argentina
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Diego Solsona Cisternas
Life projects for people with disabilities in rural areas of southern Chile: territories as supports towards an operationalization of territorial capital?
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Carlos Cardoso Carvajal
Rodrigo González de Marmolejos, illegitimate bishop? A discussion about why was the Kingdom of Chile's first prelate in the second half of the 16th century
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Damian Andres Canton
The “Mapuche as “us”” beyond the notion of culture. A critical look at the sense of belon- ging
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Sofia Gastellu
Proximity justice in the construction of public order in the city of Buenos Aires (1833)
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Noelia Figueroa Burdiles, Pablo Marimán Quemenado
Forest fires, extractivism and Mapuche territory in the Ngulumapu: Sociohistorical dynamics in Llaima and Icalma lof, La Araucanía region
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Jaime Zañartu Reyes, Manuel Cortes Cortes, Martín Lara Ortega
Getting to know the prehistoric Mapuche. Scientific discourses from material culture at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. The Chilean case
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Cristian Colther, Sindy Solar Badilla, Alba Montecinos Astorga
The segregation of women in the Chilean labor market
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Vinicio Calderón, Aurora Ramírez Meneses, Rosa del Carmen Sánchez Trinidad, Rocío del Carmen Castillo Méndez
Family decisions in the management of ornamental plants from the Cañón del Usumacinta Natural Protected Area
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Carolina Salinas Marchant, Denisse Pérez Herrera
Variación dialectal: aspectos relevantes en la investigación y práctica fonoaudiológica
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